St. Bridgets Institute of Home Science - Aldona
This Institute aims to empower women through skills of self employment and management of homes. This Institute conducts a ten month Home Science Certificate course. Preference is given to school drop-outs and the economically disadvantaged
Obra de Proteccao a Mulher (OPM) – Nachinola
This programme is to meet the needs of unwed mothers and to offer care and protection to their children. They are counseled, given medical attention and cared for during and after delivery of their babies.
Headquarters of Caritas
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St. Xavier's Centre for the Differently Abled – Old Goa
This is a Special School catering to the holistic development of the Differently Abled. The students who are either hearing impaired, mentally or physically challenged given opportunities to an all round development and training.
St. Thomas High School – Consaulim
A primary through high school set in a rural part of Goa for approximately 600 pupils. Imaculada Gonsalves is the Headmistress and she continues to raise the educational standards of this school. Pictures include a program put on by the children welcoming our visit to St. Thomas. Other pictures include classroom facilities and pictures of some of the poor conditions that exist in the school and the disrepair that exists.
A program involving Giselle Lobo that has established resource rooms in regular schools. These resource rooms cater to children with special needs, especially those with autism. The goal is to educate these children through integration with regular classroom environments so those with special needs can interact with other school aged children. Both can learn from each other and benefit from their specialties.
A care home for children (mostly orphans) afflicted with HIV/AIDS. They are cared for physically, medically, and educationally by the Sisters of the Mercy of the Holy Cross and are given abundant love and care.